Professional Pool Maintenance by Rod Cameron Pools

a man standing in front of a large swimming pool.

Once you have spent your hard-earned cash on a new swimming pool or having a pre-loved swimming pool restored, it is important you look after it.

It would be nice if it was as easy as just building a pool and diving in. But, there is more to owning a swimming pool than that.

How Often Should I Check My Pool?

Although you don’t need to carry out a full maintenance programme every day, you should still check your pool.

Think about your swimming pool as your car. When you first start your car, the dashboard lights up. You probably check that you don’t have any lights flashing or warnings that should not be there.

The same thing goes for your swimming pool. Check it every day. If you find that there is a problem, you should take action right away.

Red flag signs include a drop in water level or strange sounds coming from the pumping or filtration system. When you think something is wrong, it is best to call the professionals immediately.

Leaves and Objects in the Pool

It is easy to think that a few leaves are not going to do any harm. The truth is that debris in your swimming pool can cause damage. Before you know it, you end up having a problem with the pump and filtration system.

When you find leaves and other debris in your swimming pool, you should remove them as quickly as possible. Investing in a pool vacuum is not a bad idea. That way, you can more easily remove debris from the bottom of your pool.

Smart homeowners also invest in swimming pool covers. Swimming pool covers serve two main purposes.

First, they keep your swimming pool free from debris. Number two, during the cooler part of the year, a pool cover helps to keep the temperature in your pool more ambient. If you heat your pool, the last thing you want is unnecessary heat loss.

Look Out For Mould and Mildew

Both mold and mildew are associated with health problems. As swimming pools are warm and humid, mold and mildew can easily start to build up.

It is an indication that you may have a problem with the water quality. When was the last time you checked the water quality?

Although you should not go over the top, checking the water quality is important. In a perfect world, you should do so at least once a week. The water quality in swimming pools used by the general public should be checked every day.

Pool building services such as Rod Cameron Pools can give you advice on the best testing kits to buy.

Every so often, you should clean around the top of your swimming pool. This is where suntan and body lotion residue get stuck. If there is too much of a buildup, you risk having a problem with mold and mildew.

Ideally, you should shower before you jump into your pool. But, as we all know, that does not always happen.

The level of mold and mildew buildup also depends on the location of the pool. If your pool is situated in a sun-exposed area, you may find you get more buildup.

Cleaning the Filters

Keeping the filters clean also helps to reduce the build-up of mould and mildew.

During the swim season, you should check and clean your filters at least once a month. If you have used the pool more actively during a weekend or holiday break, it is also a good idea to check the filters.

You never know, something may have got stuck in there.

How often should I change my filters? This depends on how frequently and how intensely the pool is used. If you use your swimming pool daily, and more intensely during the weekend, you should change your filters more frequently.

The average guideline for filter changes is 3 – 4 times per year. Can you change your filters yourself?

You can do but the reality is different. Changing swimming pool filters is one of those things which is best left up to the professionals.

How Often Should I Clean My Pool?

Doing a small daily clean with a pool vacuum helps to keep your pool in good condition.

But, these days we are all pushed for time. It is best to realise that cleaning your pool daily may not happen.

In that case, you should set aside a day per week to thoroughly clean your pool. Once you have the right equipment for pool maintenance and pool cleaning, maintaining your pool does not take long. Cleaning your pool does not take a day. But having a special day for it means you don’t forget about this vital task. It is a bit like taking the car to the car wash once a week or running a virus scan on your computer.

Just like with everything else, you get into a habit and get it done. However, the Rod Cameron team finds that asking a professional to help with deep cleaning reduces pool maintenance costs.

If there are any problems, a pool professional is much more likely to notice them.

The Surrounding Area

The surrounding area of the pool is just as important as the pool itself.

It is best not to plant any overhanging trees or bushes close to your pool. If you do, you are much more likely to end up with unwanted debris in your pool.

Even smaller dirt particles can pollute your pool. Over time, they build up and lodge themselves in the filters.

If you have the time, sweep the area with a stiff brush a couple of times per week. Needless to say, after a storm or rain shower, it is important to check the surrounding area and the pool.

Final Thoughts on Swimming Pool Maintenance

You should let a professional swimming pool maintenance service inspect your pool at least once a year.

If you have any swimming pool concerns, it is best to contact the professionals. Problems spotted early on are much easier and cheaper to fix.

When you are ready to find out more about essential swimming pool maintenance, Rod Cameron is only a phone call, text or email away.

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