Preparing Your Pool For Christmas Guests

Three people swim underwater. (Preparing Your Pool)

With the festive season fast approaching, it is time to start preparing your pool for Christmas guests.

A clean, fresh pool is a fantastic addition to your backyard. It provides an opportunity to enjoy a cooling dip from the Australian summer heat.

If having a pool is a new experience for your family, you probably appreciate some advice on how to get “Christmas pool ready.” Read our comprehensive guide to getting your swimming pool ready for Christmas guests.

Pool Etiquette Matters

Although you don’t need to publish a written guide, educating guests on the proper use of the pool is a good idea. Don’t immediately assume everyone is familiar with good pool etiquette.

No Food in The Pool

Young guests like to make the most out of your pool area. As we all know, kids and young adults spend a large part of their day eating or snacking.

Does food belong in the swimming pool? Don’t allow visiting guests to take food into the pool. Although it is tempting to float around on an oversized pool inflatable while snacking, it is not recommended. Food particles end up in the water and subsequently pollute the pool.

Sunscreen and Your Pool

Sunscreens are a must, but they don’t belong in the pool water.

Of course, guests should be encouraged to stay safe in the sun, but don’t forget to educate guests on the benefits of best practices.

Before diving into that cooling water, ask guests to shower. Sunscreen is sticky and clings to the sides of the pool, pipes and filters. It stays as a sticky film on the surface, making the pool experience less pleasant.

Is Diving Allowed?

Guests must also know which is the deep and shallow end. Consider if diving into the pool should be allowed. It is the one pool activity that is most likely to cause accidents.

No Glass Please

Refrain from using glassware by the pool. It is tempting to drink beer from the bottle or wine from a nice glass. Broken glass is a problem and it wreaks havoc with pools. Instead of beer and soft drink bottles, consider buying cans. Plastic glasses are another option worth considering.

Top Tips For Preparing Your Pool

Good pool practice is not only about preparing the pool. Try to fit in at least a couple of pool maintenance tasks daily.

Clean Your Pool

●       Clean the filter: You may not have to do this daily, but you should definitely do so before your guests arrive. Check for debris in the pool before you backwash the filters. Make sure you check grids and filter cartridges just in case they need replacing.

●       Skim the surface: Skiing the surface of your pool removes insects, leaves and other debris.

●       Brush the Floor and Walls: When you notice algae buildup, scrub the floor and walls with a specialist pool brush.

●       Vacuum the Pool: Inspect the pool to check if you need to vacuum any debris or dirt away before the start of the day.

Balance the Water Chemistry

A well-balanced pool with good water quality is nice to swim in. When you are uncertain how to check the water balance yourself, call in the professionals. Having an annual professional is always a good idea before Christmas guests arrive.

Testing the water is relatively easy. Invest in a good-quality pool testing kit that allows you to check your pool’s pH level, alkaline quality, and chlorine level.

Do you need to adjust the pH level? Get advice from your pool maintenance service. However,  in general, the perfect pH level for a swimming pool is between  7.2 and 7.8. You can buy special chemicals called increasers and decreasers.

Chlorine is the main sanitiser in the pool. Check on the level. If it needs topping up, add tablets or liquid.

Alkaline is what stabilises the pH in the pool. Checking the level is important. When more people use the pool, you should check the alkaline level more frequently.

Are you worried about algae and bacteria? Both can build up quickly during periods of heavy use. You can buy special liquids and tablets that help control algae and bacteria. After all, you don’t want your Christmas guests to get sick.

●       Adjust the pH Level: The ideal pH level for a pool is between 7.2 and 7.8. Use a pH increaser or decreaser to adjust the pH level as needed.

●       Maintain Chlorine Levels: Chlorine is essential for sanitising your pool water. Use chlorine tablets or liquid chlorine to maintain the proper chlorine level.

●       Check Alkalinity: Alkalinity helps stabilise the pH level of your pool water. Use alkalinity increaser or decreaser to adjust the alkalinity level as needed.

Creating a Festive Pool

To get your guests into a festive mood, decorate the surrounding area with a Christmas theme. 

Don’t opt for flimsy decorations such as tinsel. It may end up in the pool and do more harm than good. Instead, go for lights and colourful pool floats.

Installing underwater lights creates a touch of magic when you use the pool at night.

Add Christmas-themed towels and plenty of lounge chairs and umbrellas. Building a festive poolside bar is another idea. If you feel especially festive, why not opt for a bar in the style of Santa’s sleigh?

The Last Splash

Follow these simple tips, and your Christmas guests will love their stay. Although the emphasis is on having fun, don’t forget staying safe is the top priority. Children should be supervised at all times. 

Speak to your regular pool company and ask them what they recommend. A fun Christmas Day around the pool creates treasured memories that last a long time.

Additional Tips:

Hire a professional: Before the big day or that special Christmas pool party, hire a professional and let them check over the pool.

Planning ahead is also important: Don’t let your Christmas guests down. It is nice when the pool has a festive feel.

Enjoy Christmas in and around the pool. Remember to stay safe. Never overindulge in alcoholic drinks when using the pool.

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